
Need for Robust Cybersecurity measures for Organization today

Need for Robust Cybersecurity measures

The need for robust cybersecurity measures for organization today has become more critical where the digital landscape plays a pivotal role in our personal and professional lives. Cyber threats, ranging from phishing attacks to sophisticated malware, can have severe consequences for individuals and organizations alike.

Understanding the importance of cybersecurity and adopting proactive measures is paramount to safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining a secure online environment.

The cyber threat landscape is dynamic and ever evolving, with cybercriminals employing increasingly sophisticated tactics to exploit vulnerabilities. From ransomware attacks crippling businesses to identity theft affecting individuals, the consequences of a cybersecurity breach can be severe. It’s not just large corporations that are at risk; individuals and small businesses are equally susceptible targets.

Why need for Robust Cybersecurity measures for Organization today?

Protection of Personal Information:

Cybersecurity safeguards sensitive personal information, including financial details, addresses, and social security numbers. Unauthorized access to such data can lead to identity theft and financial loss.

Business Continuity:

For businesses, cybersecurity is crucial for ensuring continuous operations. A security breach can result in downtime, financial losses, and damage to the organization’s reputation.

Prevention of Data Breaches:

Cybersecurity measures help prevent data breaches, ensuring that confidential company data and customer information remain secure.

Mitigation of Financial Loss:

Investing in cybersecurity is a proactive approach to mitigating potential financial losses associated with cyberattacks. The cost of recovering from an attack is often much higher than the investment in preventive measures.

Implementation of Security in Organization

The following are the measures how a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can implement on their organization to protect their system from unauthorized access. The implementation of below measures does not provide 100% guarantee in securing the system but will be helpful.

  1. Strong Password Policy

Implementing a strong password in the organization helps to defend unauthorized access and various cyber threats. Passwords with alphanumeric keys, special characters and at least 10 characters are considered strong. Example of strong passwords: h4x1yBRMIaY, C7t1vd5fCof, etc.

Most of the data breaches that are occurring today are due to weak passwords.

Hackers have disclosed weak passwords of 2022-2023 recently on the dark web. It included passwords like 123Iloveyou, sydney123, Password12345, etc.

It is always recommended to use a strong password and regularly update your password every month.

  1. Multi Factor Authentication:

MFA has several advantages. It is always best practice to implement MFA in the organization specially Managed services. MFA adds an extra layer of security beyond a password. It saved User’s data even if the password is compromised. MFA can be a mobile app, OTP, or token.

MFA is essential in organizations to bolster cybersecurity defenses, protect against various threats, and ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data and resources. It is a critical component of a comprehensive security strategy in today’s dynamic and complex digital landscape.

  1. Regular Patches

Regular patches play a crucial role in maintaining the security and stability of computer systems and software applications. Patching involves updating or fixing vulnerabilities, bugs, or weaknesses in software, and it offers several benefits for protecting systems. Besides, regular patches help to mitigate Ransomware attacks which often exploit vulnerabilities in software to gain unauthorized access and encrypt files.

  1. Restricting administrative privileges

Restricting administrative privileges is an essential security practice that helps enhance the overall cybersecurity of systems and networks. There is a saying that the weakest link in your organization is Human for the organization cyber security mechanism. It is essential to restrict administrative privileges to only one person. More admin privileges mean the risk of your system to be compromised is higher.

  1. Awareness

It is essential to train the users in the best cyber security practices such as recognizing phishing emails and avoiding suspicious links, using MFA and strong passwords, etc.

Training workshops, Interactive Workshops, Phishing Simulations, Security Policies, and procedures, provide resources, encourage reporting, Gamification in training programs, Reward positive behavior, regular reminder, collaborating with IT will help train the users.

  1. Restricting unnecessary use of software

It is always good practice to restrict the users from adding/installing software’s. This will help the admin to recognize the ingenuity of software. It is one of the best practices for MSP to implement administration access in the computer and limit the use of applications/software.

  1. Regular backups of system and Email

Backup critical data regularly and ensure that the backups are stored securely. This helps in loss of data and maintain an effective incident response resolution.

Email backup is done using VEEAM service providers. There are many 3rd party providers who do email backup, but VEEAM is the best tool for email backup.

  1. Implement Network Security measures:

Using firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and secure Wi-Fi networks will help to protect against unauthorized access and data interception.

  1. Update yourself with Emerging threats.

It is always good practice to update yourself with regular emerging threats and trends. Regularly update security measures based on new information and technologies.


As we navigate the digital age, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. Whether you’re an individual managing personal accounts or a business safeguarding sensitive data, taking proactive steps to enhance cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. By staying informed, adopting best practices, and investing in robust cybersecurity measures, we can collectively build a more secure digital future. Only MSP cannot safeguard the system it is the joint effort of clients as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answer: Cyber security in simple words is just adding multiple layers of protection across computers, programs, networks in order to restrict unauthorized access.  Protection can be physical protection of devices, firewalls, antivirus, MFA, Identifying network vulnerability.

Answer: Multifactor Authentication or MFA is adding an extra layer of security for your account. MFA can be OTP (One time Password), Pin code, Authenticator code, etc. Protecting your access by two ways. For example, When you try to login to your Facebook account, you are prompted to enter password and after you enter password Facebook will ask you another code either in the form of text of via Authenticator app. MFA is essential because passwords nowadays are easily cracked  using brute force attack, dictionary attack, etc. MFA protects your account even if your password is cracked.

Answer: No coding is not essential to implement cyber security in the organization. The important thing is to follow the proper guidelines and policy set up by the government. Australian government emphasizes organization to implement essential eight policy to protect the organization data.

Answer: Yes, in todays world data is the key. Cyber security helps protect organization data. It is very important to implement cyber security guidelines for the organization.

Answer: Physical protection examples are protecting your switches and servers with a separate secure locker room. Network security example includes implementation of firewall, Encryption, Access Control, Intrusion detection system, Port scanner, Web caching, Antivirus, etc.


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